Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot
Our Host Father, I know You will provide the necessary provisions, the hidden Mánna, for your handpicked ones to live this life in Your preferred-will.
Help me to feast on Your Secret Wisdom so I can taste the unique flavor of our covenantal ancestry in order to recognize when men are ‘cooking The Book’ to purposely mislead and deceive by dishonestly making changes to Your Written Records.
Thank You that Your Words are a fence of protection so we, Your covenant trusting people, will be kept in Your perfect peace; even in the midst of chaos. Without a revelation from Your word, folks don’t have a moral incentive to stay on Your established path to green pastures with calm waters but go their own way. If they do nothing about the sin in their heart, they will have a lot of explaining to do when it’s culling time for the living and the dead.
As I’ve gotten older, it’s been hard not to think of myself as a dried up eunuch having nothing to offer. Help me to store Your treasures in others so the gift of future generations can be brought before the King!