Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot
You are our Father, our Redeemer. Your Name is from everlasting.
May others know that Your Son started out like You in every way, yet He chose to empty Himself of His own equality with You and the forever existence He had with You by taking the form of a humble servant, becoming obedient until death then triumphed over the grave.
I am determined to progressively become more intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly, that I may know the power of His resurrection, share His sufferings as to be continually transformed in the hope of being lifted out from among the dead.
If I do nothing about the sin in my heart, You will not hear me when I call.
A lot of true understanding has gotten blurred through heresies so help me to know how to keep Your Sabbaths and follow the terms of Your covenant just as You taught so I can be under Your protection and grace.
Now protect and watch over all of us, Your Kingdom ‘free born’ citizens, who have set our love upon You!