Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot
Our Father, give me today the things necessary for my existence.
Even though my father and mother walked out and left me, You, Father, reached into the most hidden places where I felt forgotten like a cracked clay pot, easily discarded and gladly replaced, to assure me I’m Your choice. You will not throw Your unique creation away!
Restore my inner being so I no longer relapse into my childhood rejection wounds made by the self-appointed ‘somebodies’ in our culture who have said no one cares about me.
Doing Your Family thing (Ekklesia), isn’t always easy because there are times it stinks how people treat each other. You may choose to remember our sins no more when we accept Your reign over our life, but there are lots of folks who like to reminiscence and we become objects of their ridicule when we quit running with their herd.
Search me thoroughly to see if I’m in covenant with You. Scrutinize my anxious thoughts and let me know if they come from a hurtful way of thinking.
The Royal attitude does not look on nor speak garbage so let the words of my mouth be like a flowing brook of wisdom refreshing the hearts of others.
Don’t let me depend on the external things the world calls beauty, but the the gentle quiet spirit of the heart for You beautify the humble and adorn them with a victorious crown when they assume their leadership position You’ve had for them from the foundation of the world! Awaken me to see heavenly realities that I have more warriors on My side than are on the enemy’s. (StT 2 Kings 6:16)
Dressed in the armor of priestly garments, I will stand in my duty as gatekeeper to keep Your house a heresy and a hearsay free zone.
Thank You that whoever follows The Light that is Your Son will never walk in the darkness of personal effort, but will have the light of life to guide our thoughts with the covenant of peace.