Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time. (Proverbs 17:22 GNT) One Star Trek episode has the Starship Enterprise crew in a struggle onboard their own ship. All advanced weapons are disabled and they are forced into a frightening and angering kind of hand to hand combat. To add insult to injury, whoever gets killed is resurrected only to fight and die again. The unseen enemy is an alien life form that gains…..
Usually, I don’t like talking about angels because I’d rather lift the NAME of my Messiah. Plus, I don’t believe we are to ‘command’ Angels or ‘rebuke’ demons because Michael, the warrior messenger executing Yahweh’s will with authority and power, himself didn’t rebuke the devil. (Jude 1:9) But after having the thought of looking up what “You rang” meant, a servant’s response to a bell being rung as a summons, I couldn’t help but connect the saying with Hebrews 1:14. Love…..
Around the year 67 A.D., Paul tagged Timothy to alert him to be on guard for Alexander the coppersmith because he did Paul a great deal of harm. (2 Timothy 4:14) Perhaps Alexander’s public shaming caused him to repent? Could Paul then have written a follow up letter stating he accepted Alexander’s apology but that letter got ‘lost in the mail?’ So here we are almost a couple thousand years later still reading what a bad guy Alexander was and…..
“No one remembers who took second place.” Enzo Ferrari Mr. Ferrari, may I introduce to you Yusuf Dikec? He is the exception to your ‘only first place winners are memorable’ thought as this Turkish shooter has gone viral at the Paris 2024 Olympics after winning second. Also, you need to meet another exceptional sportsman, Spanish runner Ivan Fernandez Anaya. As Fernandez was approaching the finish line in a 2012 cross country race behind the Kenyan athlete Abel Mutai, he…..
Ephraim’s seed is to become the completeness of the nations. Inflammation Shalom Manasseh – making forgetful “For God has made me forget all my toil and all my father’s house.” Genesis 41:51 Ephraim – fruitfulness “For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.” Genesis 41:52 Jacob blessed them, “In you Israel shall bless, saying, “Elohim make you as Ephrayim (fruitful) and as Menashsheh (forgetful).” By setting Ephraim over Manasseh, Jacob was saying that Joseph’s…..
The 1973 Triple Crown winner, Secretariat, had a reputation of running just fast enough to beat his competition. After the racehorse’s death, it was discovered during the necropsy that Secretariat’s heart was perfect, no problems with it, but weighed between 21-22 pounds. [An average horse has a heart weight of about nine pounds.] Not to be forgotten is Secretariat’s key rival, Sham. He was a fantastic racehorse who not so surprisedly also had a big heart with a weight of…..
The Romans sometimes compelled a murderer to be bound face-to-face with their victim and to carry the decaying body until the odorous fumes given off by it devoured their life. Under penalty of death, no one was allowed to free the condemned person of the corpse. Was Paul referencing this gruesome practice of a “body of death’’ accompanying him wherever he went as kind of a ‘Show and Tell?’ “Wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this…..
The very weapons we use are not those of human warfare but powerful in God’s warfare for the destruction of the enemy’s strongholds. Our battle is to bring down every deceptive fantasy and every imposing defense that men erect against the true knowledge of God. We even fight to capture every thought until it acknowledges the authority of Christ. Once we are sure of your obedience we shall not shrink from dealing with those who refuse to obey. (2 Corinthians…..
It’s like Jesus took a story out of our recent headlines when He spoke of a current event about eighteen people killed in a tower accident. He used the tragedy to awaken His listeners’ memories of the Teachings to walk the path exactly as Yahweh their Elohim had commanded so that they would thrive and live long in the land of their inheritance. It wasn’t that the folks who died were bad people who deserved an untimely death but accidents…..
Yahweh in heaven merely laughs! He is amused by all their puny plans. (Psalm 2:4)