Did you know that by harnessing a younger ox to an older one, the farmer could adjust the yoke so the experienced ox carried the brunt of the work load? This yoke discipleship training was not a painful cross for the greenhorn ox to bear, but a grace period while it learns to let go of its own way of doing things then humbly accepts its purpose in the farmer’s plan.
If the young ox in training submits to the farmer’s commands the load is light but if he stubbornly resists by withdrawing the shoulder, then the yoke is a heavy burden.
Yeshua gives the call for anyone wearied and heavily burdened from plowing through life alone to take up His yoke, which is custom-fitted for each of us. Wearing His teaching yoke allows us to rest near His gentle and humble heart.
(Matthew 11:28; 1 Corinthians 10:13)