Usually, I don’t like talking about angels because I’d rather lift the NAME of my Messiah. Plus, I don’t believe we are to ‘command’ Angels or ‘rebuke’ demons because Michael, the warrior messenger executing Yahweh’s will with authority and power, himself didn’t rebuke the devil. (Jude 1:9) But after having the thought of looking up what “You rang” meant, a servant’s response to a bell being rung as a summons, I couldn’t help but connect the saying with Hebrews 1:14. Love…..
Around the year 67 A.D., Paul tagged Timothy to alert him to be on guard for Alexander the coppersmith because he did Paul a great deal of harm. (2 Timothy 4:14) Perhaps Alexander’s public shaming caused him to repent? Could Paul then have written a follow up letter stating he accepted Alexander’s apology but that letter got ‘lost in the mail?’ So here we are almost a couple thousand years later still reading what a bad guy Alexander was and…..