Yahweh in heaven merely laughs! He is amused by all their puny plans. (Psalm 2:4)
“While the bridegroom lingered and was slow in coming,…” What’s the holdup? Possibly His Bride isn’t ready because she didn’t do the necessary preparations? Reckon’ how she’s suppose to prepare herself? Happy are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs to approach the Tree of Life, and to enter through the gates into the city. (Matthew 25:5; Revelation 19:7; 22:14)
A few Awakening Assassins have fired off their warning shots of how ‘worship’ does not fit the ‘revival’ box. Have these “opinion-aters” not read 2 Chronicles 20:21 where God had His chosen ones to send out the worshipers first…before the warriors? “Serve Yahweh with gladness; Come before Him with a shout for joy-singing triumphal songs!” (Psalm 100:2) Since I cannot carry a tune, I’ve wondered if I would be chosen to be one of the first responders (singers)…..
May you be encouraged that when you lay your prayer shawl over others, “He will even rescue the one [for whom you intercede] who is not innocent; yes, the hurting will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands. (Job 22:3 AMP) [Backstory: In Jesus’ day, people would see all the power of God in that fringe, tzitzit, when the prayer shawl was worn by an anointed man of God. “Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them…..
Matthew 25 “Watch therefore, because you do not know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Aḏam is coming, for it is like a man going from home, who called his own servants and delivered his possessions to them. “And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability, and went from home. “And he who had received the five talents went and worked…..