On one of those life happening days, we find David sitting among the ashes that used to be his home at Ziklag. This city’s name pretty much clues us in on David’s spirit possibly dwelling in a dejected place since it means being ‘pressed down’ or ‘enveloped in grief,’ Three days earlier, David was fired from his army job with King Achish. While David and his men were on their way home, the Amalekites have not only burned the town…..
Appetizer: Horse D’oovers Your words were found and I ate them, and Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your name, LORD, God of Hosts. (Jeremiah 15:16) Jesus/Yeshua is The True Bread of Life. The believing one who comes to Him through covenant will never go hungry or thirsty. He will provide all their needs of food, clothing, shelter and spiritual. (StT John 6:35)
Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot Our Father, You are awe-inspiring! The great King over all the earth! How sweet are Your words to my taste! Sweeter than honey to my mouth is the mysterious secret wisdom You planned for us before creation. The disclosure of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding to the open-minded. Envious happiness comes to everyone who reads and puts Your prophetic Word into practice! You renew my mind by restoring true perspective to become who…..
Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot Our Father, it’s hard not to resent the intruders called Trials along with their cohorts, Temptations. I’m still working on being happy that they’ve arrived for the purpose of digging into my heart to see if there is any hurtful way in me. But I would really like it if there was some short cut to character maturation that didn’t involve sometimes painful tests similar to when a farmer separates wheat from the husks. When…..
Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot You are our Father, our Redeemer. Your Name is from everlasting. May others know that Your Son started out like You in every way, yet He chose to empty Himself of His own equality with You and the forever existence He had with You by taking the form of a humble servant, becoming obedient until death then triumphed over the grave. I am determined to progressively become more intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving the wonders…..
Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot Our Father, I honor Your name by conducting myself as a commandment abiding free-born Kingdom citizen. Well, that’s my desire but sometimes I still kick against Your prodding to walk Your Way by attempting to do things my own way. Still, I’m looking for the day I will no longer have to deal with the spiteful, thorny neighbors who mock when I fail miserably. Plowing through the overgrowth loosens up a lot of harden dirt…..
Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot Our Father, give me today the things necessary for my existence. Even though my father and mother walked out and left me, You, Father, reached into the most hidden places where I felt forgotten like a cracked clay pot, easily discarded and gladly replaced, to assure me I’m Your choice. You will not throw Your unique creation away! Restore my inner being so I no longer relapse into my childhood rejection wounds made by the…..
Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot Our Host Father, I know You will provide the necessary provisions, the hidden Mánna, for your handpicked ones to live this life in Your preferred-will. Help me to feast on Your Secret Wisdom so I can taste the unique flavor of our covenantal ancestry in order to recognize when men are ‘cooking The Book’ to purposely mislead and deceive by dishonestly making changes to Your Written Records. Thank You that Your Words are a fence…..
Stirring the Golden Prayer Pot Our Father, Your Name must always be honored as Holy! Above everything else, I inquire to get to the bottom of what is approved of in Your eyes. By digging up the Truth covered by the dirt of man-made traditions, similar to harvesting the underground peanuts, I have gained a better understanding and reverence for You. So I mean no disrespect with all my questions but each new answer only whets my…..